Black Hills

New RCMP Detatchment To Be Built in Kamloops 2026

New RCMP Detatchment

Our dedicated RCMP officers are getting a brand new home. Construction is planned to start in 2026 on a state-of-the-art RCMP detachment on Battle Street. This much-needed facility will provide our officers with the space and resources they need to continue serving and protecting our community.

The current detachment was built back in 1990 when Kamloops was a much smaller city. The new detachment will be:


  • Much larger: The current building is around 30,000 square feet. The new one will be over 120,000 square feet.


  • Modern and efficient: It will have the latest technology and equipment to help our officers do their jobs effectively.


  • Designed for the future: It will be able to accommodate the growing needs of our community for many years to come.


This project represents a significant investment in community safety. It will help ensure that our RCMP have the facilities they need to keep Kamloops safe and secure. Something everyone can benefit from. Here at Black Hills we support our local police and appreciate there hard work and their presence in the communities of Kamloops. Thank you RCMP for your great dedication to serving and protecting us.

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